Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 9 once again

I decided to change my recovery day to day 9 versus day 10. I was counting my recovery days the way I was because I was done with surgery by 10 a.m. on the day of surgery (so I called that day 1). But, I found out that this is not how my doctor's office or other people who are recovering typically count the days. You don't get credit for the day of surgery :)

I also figured this particular day 9 (today, which I had expected to be day 10) pretty much sucks as bad as the previous day 9 (yesterday) So, why call it day 10?

Day 10 is magical in my mind. I will wake up with a smile. I will breathe freely; my kids will act perfect; I will win large sums of money just for being a cool person; the stars will line up and spell my name; and I will go out to eat; have no pain; and be all done with this adventure =)

Tune in to hear about Day 10 tomorrow. The Real Day 10. It's gonna be so good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well poo! I was hoping that you might be feeling better, be it day 9 or 10. I had wondered how you were counting btw...LOL!