Friday, February 27, 2009

Powerful Video

Dave Ramsey changed my life. I was never completely stupid about money in my life, really. When it has come to money, Dh and I did some things right actually. But we also did plenty of things dumb. I admit that. I take a small amount of pride in the things we did do right even though there has been some pain and consequences for dealing with the things we did terribly wrong.

But, I would not change our life lessons in this regard. It has been our own journey. Learning is empowering.

This video (see link below) was posted on another blog and it just spoke to me on so many different levels. It spoke to me as a parent for one thing. But it also spoke to me as a person who has been very, very anxious about the outcomes of some upcoming things. If you know me well or have read my blog recently, you know that I have been worried about dh's job. I have been worried about our upcoming home appraisal in this economy. And I have been worried about our upcoming property tax bills.

After watching this video, I somehow feel at peace. Whatever these outcomes are for us in our lives right now, they certainly aren't setting our future in stone. We (dh and I and our kids) are going to be better off because we WILL pull ourselves to a better place no matter what these outcomes are for us ... fair or unfair ... for better or for worse. Nobody is going to knock us down and then train us to wait to get picked up off the ground. We are still in the game and we will keep on kicking! There is nothing like a good, swift kick in the rear end from Dave Ramsey in my opinion. He isn't for everyone I guess, but I just love him! This man has changed so many lives. Thank God for his failure! (See video to understand.)

In this video Dave talks about failure. It is a good Dave "rant" if you are familiar with Dave "rants."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I feel that I am in a waiting game. Things are up in the air and I like them much more settled. I can't stand the waiting. We are waiting for several things --

1.) To find out what the outcome will be with dh's job situation. While some things about the changes look promising enough (he won't be laid off this round), there are things of concern still with what his job will be and whether or not his pay will change. I just want it to be decided. Every day that this remains open and undecided brings anxious thoughts. It appears there will be a whole weekend of waiting after this Friday, if not longer :( Weekend waiting is sometimes harder than weekday waiting .... because nothing happens at all over the weekends with these types of things.

2.) To get a move on with this refinance process. I am so anxious about our home appraisal. I don't see how there can be a problem with it based on all of the information I have been able to gather about comparable area home sales, but there was a problem last time we tried this and I am still baffled by this. Sometimes I feel like I am living in an odd, upside down world where it is perfectly normal for nothing to make sense anymore ... even though my mind still insists that things must make sense.

3.) Waiting for our property tax bills. We are "supposed" to receive one more 2007 bill this year and two 2008 bills by year's end. This inability of the property tax assessor's office to do their jobs leaves so much in limbo. We don't know how much to save; it is all up in the air. If we undersave, that can cause problems because last time they finally did send a bill (after a whole year of waiting), they wanted it paid within two weeks (just before Christmas). If we oversave, we are cutting ourselves short on money needed in so many other areas.

4.) I also find myself waiting to see if the economy will improve at some point here sooner rather than later. Mostly I am optimistic. But again, these are unusual times .....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Economic Woes

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address

The next 2-3 weeks here are going to be stressful. There is something going on at dh's job that could be good or it could be bad. I don't want to post about it on my blog, but I will share details individually if anyone wants to know. I hate that the economy is like this; it is much better to be an employee in demand in a good economy rather than someone who has to be thankful to just have a job. I am going to try to focus on gratitude and pray everyday. The most important thing is to have a job right now. That, in itself, is a blessing right now.

Sometimes when I think about going back to work, it just seems so complicated. I can't imagine how much I could make right now if we had two kids in full-time child care and a school-age child needing after-school care. I would love some outside adult stimulation that would bring in some money, but it would be traumatic for me to have to put my girls in full-time child care at this point. I am not suggesting that I think dh will lose his job. But, if I had a job, it might feel like we had more options.

I wish I felt better about the stimulus package that was just passed. Of course I don't know for sure if it will turn the economy around at some point. But when I look at it as logically as possible, it is not a solution that makes sense to me in any way. Honestly, I think it is just an excuse for the Democrats to pass their spending agenda in a bad economy. I honestly used to think I was a Democrat, but I wasn't paying close enough attention back then to what was going on. I have always been a fiscal conservative and this is just hard for me to watch right now while the economy is collapsing.

I can think of so many very simple solutions that I wish Congress would have at least tried first, before committing our nation to such extreme and ridiculous debt. One of these potential solutions being the four percent mortgage for everyone. If everyone had a chance to refinance to a four percent mortgage, think of all the extra money everyone would have in their pockets on a regular and planned basis to stimulate the economy? Think of the number of people who would be motivated to buy a first-time home. Renters would benefit because rents would be able to go down as well. People in corrupt mortgages could refinance out of them to a great rate and keep their homes. This would prevent additional foreclosures, etc.

I mean, if you know you will save $100-$300 per month for the next thirty years, you can make some bigger money decisions, etc. You could actually do something to truly stimulate the economy. Although, I will be using my Obama money to stimulate the preschool industry next school year (employment pending); $100-$300 extra dollars in our pockets each month could really rock our world if every American had this in their pockets at the same time on a monthly basis! At the very least, I could stimulate the preschool industry times two and maybe even buy a new car.

The housing industry seems to be at the core of this mess and what better way to fix it than to take a simple approach that does not put our nation at greater risk (large debt and it's a gamble)? I wish I had more faith in our government. I am not meaning to bash government on my blog. But, I don't feel good about things in the hands of government. None of it makes sense to me. Some of the most complacent and ineffective people I have ever known worked in state government. We worked hand and hand in a public-private partnership and I assure you, these people were unmotivated and completely clueless ... and just a pain to work with because of that.

Part of me thinks I should seek a government job someday. That seems to be where you can collect so many sick days that people in those jobs would disappear for weeks on end, giving me absolutely no notice that they were leaving for months on end, right in the middle of important deadlines or very meaningful projects impacting children and families. But, I could not stomach working in a place that just encourages that level of complaceny. I take more pride in my work than I have seen those individuals ever do. I have seen so many taxpayer dollars wasted. It is like I can see too much and I wish it wasn't true what I see.

I pray I am wrong. I pray for better times for all.

Oh, btw, I figured out that the Barack Obama stimulus will help some people more than just the $32 per month. If you pay NO taxes at all, Barack Obama will have the IRS send you a much bigger check. Wow! I guess we will see how that stimulates the economy. I can already think of some people who will refrain from trying to better their own lives if given what truly is a handout. I mean, if they aren't paying any taxes at all; it is welfare. Not that welfare is bad, but I think people are better served when inspired to do better for themselves.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Preschool ... a solution maybe?

I still keep thinking about preschool. I think it is because dd#1 is such a "school-y" kind of girl. She is just the kind of little person to love all things school-like. She is so smart and a little leader. I want her to have the preschool fun my ds had.

I want both of my girls to play with shaving cream and make cloud pictures out of cotton balls and hear imaginative thematic stories that spark their creativity and their broader world knowledge. I want them to paint with apples, and marbles, and on an easel with messy colors flying. I want them to learn new little songs and games.

And I don't feel that I am the best person to provide these special little experiences on a regular basis.

Mostly, I want them to play and learn cool stuff that they might not be learning at home, get used to socializing with a variety of other little people and build a basic love of learning.

From my experience parenting my 11-year-old, grade school can get boring and feel hard and even kind of dry on many an occasion.

This is the time in my girls lives to really have a ball at school. A time when grades still make no difference and the topic to be learned for the day is dinosaur bones!

Not just any preschool can provide exactly what I am looking for though and I know this. Just because a preschool has openings for both girls, it does not mean that they will get the kind of experience I am describing here (the kind of experience I most want for them to have in a preschool). All preschool environments are different.

Oh, and the school also must be affordable and within an easy drive from my house.

With two young kids close in age, I am just not going to Co-op again. So, that is out of the question.

So, tonight I took dd#1 with me to a preschool open house at a place we had never been before; just she and I (a really special little outing being only the two of us ... what fun it was!). The school will only take her age group next year (and older), and dd#2 cannot go. DD#1 was just so happy. She practically melted into this classroom she loved it so much. She played so contently and busily and just adored it. She did not want to leave.

This preschool is affordable if only dd#1 goes. It is an easy drive and meets my two day per week only requirement. It is three hours per session, which is nice because if I am going to have dd#2 with me at drop off and pick up, we need time to do more than just head home only to turn back around and head back to the school again (which is what two hours of preschool feels like).

It can work if I commit to it. I know of the other option where both girls can go. So, in a way, I have a choice (money pending). But, that school is twice the price and not as convenient in so many ways.

When I think only of dd#1, it is the perfect thing for next school year. I want this experience for her. I will continue to search preschool options, but I think I am sold on this one at the moment. Dd#2 can wait a year and they can both go the following year (I have 1.5 years to save up for that.)

I would like the preschool thing to be about me a bit more .... I would love the free time away from both girls while knowing they were both getting a great experience, etc. But a compromise has to be made here because I don't have that extra money each month and it doesn't even look like dh is going to get his whole salary back anytime real soon. (I still just pray his job is safe. They are doing voluntary buyouts at his company this week, which feels scary.)

So, no, they don't need preschool. But, to me, preschool learning is some of the best school fun out there. They don't spend nearly as much time doing all of these fun types of things in 5th grade; this I know for certain.

So, I signed dd#1 up for this school we found tonight. And yes, I might change my mind if I find something better. If I do, we will lose our deposit. But, so what. Right now, it feels right.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I have been thinking again about preschool. Preschool can be a good thing.

The big issue I have with preschool is, basically, that I can't afford it. It is costly for two kids to go, and my job here at home, (the one where I bring in no paycheck), makes it more of an option than a need.

I should stop thinking about it.

Whatever happened to all those sibling discounts they used to have out in the world when I was raising only one child???

Friday Five

1.) I am thankful for child care at the health club.

2.) I am thankful for the chance to go out this weekend without children ... I am really needing it!

3.) I am thankful for my marriage of 16 years (16 years today, wow!)

4.) I am thankful for the computer and my friends who live inside it ... lol! (Just kidding!)

5.) I am thankful for well-spoken talk media. They say it all in just the way I would prefer to say it and make me feel better to know that I am not alone in my thoughts.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is going to help us?

Just in case anyone who reads this blog is missing out on the big news, the "Making Work Pay" tax credit for 95 percent of workers has passed along with the big stimulus package.

Negotiators agreed to trim the credit to $400 a year instead of $500 -- or $800 for married couples, cut from Obama's original proposal of $1,000.

Now, here is what this means folks ... don't get too excited because I am having to get out my microscope to actually see what this will look like in my own pocket.

BUT, here it is ... in all its glory ............ and I quote directly from the Associated Press --

"It would begin showing up in most workers' paychecks in June as an extra $13 a week in take-home pay, falling to about $8 a week next January.

Is anyone else out there just ROFLMAO as hard as I am?!!! OMG!!! LMAO!!!!

In 2010, this means we are going to get $32 extra bucks per month!!!!

SO, warning to those on tight budgets: Do not get used to your new $52/month pay raise that begins this June ... because it is only $32.00 per month. Budget and save accordingly or it is going to be a tad painful to readjust again six months later ;)

O.K., so what do you think? Are you excited? My thoughts are "whatever!"

Personally I liked the Bush tax cut better when my family walked away with $2,100 in one big chunk last year!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have decided that politics are what they are.

Ultimately, everything is in God's hands anyway.

I have decided to refrain from blogging about politics again on this blog.

I just think the topic can get heated and politics are such a controversial subject.

I think the best approach to politics is knowing in one's heart what is right for oneself ... mixed with a lot of prayers that our leaders will do their best to take the high road in their work on our behalf.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Accomplishments

1.) Exercised
2.) Fed kids numerous times
3.) Cleaned dog poo off floor four times.
4.) Cleaned dog pee pee off floor one time.
5.) Cleaned 2-year-old's pee pee off kitchen chair two times.
6.) Did two loads of laundry.
7.) Fed dog two times
8.) Let dog in and out of house several times.
9.) Cleaned strawberry syrup off floor and from inside refrigerator door
10.) Emptied little potties numerous times
11.) Put sheets back on 3-year-old's crib
12.) Put sheets back on 3-year-old's crib after 2-year old removed them for 2nd time today
13.) Picked up random candy conversation hearts from every floor level of my three-level house
14.) Did two loads of dishes
15.) Hunted for and found both cordless phone handsets jammed in basement chair, underneath chair cushions
16.) Reviewed 5th grade homework
17.) Picked up random toys

Just another successful day here in my household. It's all good :)