Sunday, March 1, 2009

To Do!!!

I am procrastinating from doing some things I need to do around my house today (and tomorrow). I thought I would stop working and make a list to keep me focused. These tasks are things I want to accomplish before our house appraisal on Tuesday. Why do these things seem to sit on my list for all of eternity?

The nice thing is that when they are done, they will finally be off my mental list of things that need to be done.

Updated 3/2/09:

1.) Declutter all surface areas in my bedroom and girls bedroom.
2.) Clean bathrooms.
3.) Clean crayon off remaining surface areas (fireplace, check walls)
4.) Wash all bath mats and floor carpets
5.) Wash ds's sheets and make up both of his beds (bunk beds)
6.) Get clothes put away and finish girls' laundry.
7.) Talk to dh about what to do about totes; deal with totes
8.) Clean up computer and basement area
9.) Clear basement shelving clutter
10.) Floors -- clear, clean, whatever is needed!

Ten things are plenty. That wasn't so bad. O.k., getting back in gear now ....!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you go girl...and when you are done come on over! Good luck with the apparisal