Friday, March 6, 2009


Has anyone been watching the news? It is just awful. America is losing its wealth. And it is not new news that "the borrower is the slave to the lender." What will this mean for America?

From the day BO stepped into office, the U.S. stock market has done nothing but drop. Anytime BO speaks, mortgage rates go up or the stock market goes down ... or both.

Finally, three key Democratic Senators are standing up for what is right against Obama's spendulous madness. I am proud to say that Evan Bayh of Indiana seems to be finally getting a clue. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that when times are tough, you don't drive the country further and further into debt without end.

I mean, if dh and I lose all of our income, should we just compile a collection of new credit cards and get charge happy? NO! We should stop spending. It is a novel idea that Congress just can't get a handle on. I don't know about you, but I think the study of pig manure odors can wait until our nation gets out of this mess. But the BO thinks it is important right now?????! Whatever.

So much for the idea of having a president with character. That died with good 'ol Honest Abe. BO has barely been president two months and has already looked out of my television set and lied to me. Is this a special Democratic technique? Who does it impress? Thoughts of Bill Clinton flooded back to me. All of BO's spendulous plans have pork and earmark spending in them, yet he claims there have been none? Lies, lies, and more lies.

How am I supposed to teach my children to be good people when this is what our leaders are made of? It is becoming clear to me that those who lie and steal and deceive others clearly rise to the top. I refuse to take part in it and condone it myself. I will teach my children the same and pray for their future.

I said it before BO was elected and I will say it again ... BO's election just might have been the most carefully crafted terrorist attack on our nation of all.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I deleted my comments because I really don't know what to say. I like you Susan, but I just can't discuss politics with you. I understand your feelings, even if I don't share them all. Have a wonderful weekend.