Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

Today was the first day of school for my oldest. It was a great first day and I look forward to finding out more about 6th grade.

I found a new preschool for both girls and they will start next week and go together! This makes my heart smile and was at the root of my issue with not being able to settle into a solid decision about preschool. It is a bit of a budget stretch, but I have decided that our sanity is well worth it.

With school starting, I keep finding myself thinking about Christmas for some reason. I want to make and decorate Christmas cookies right now for some reason!

I must go to bed soon. Tomorrow will be a happier day if I get my rear end in bed soon!

Good Night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ummm Susan...put away the sprinkles!

I am glad that you found that preschool! You will be a new woman!