Just in case anyone who reads this blog is missing out on the big news, the "Making Work Pay" tax credit for 95 percent of workers has passed along with the big stimulus package.
Negotiators agreed to trim the credit to $400 a year instead of $500 -- or $800 for married couples, cut from Obama's original proposal of $1,000.
Now, here is what this means folks ... don't get too excited because I am having to get out my microscope to actually see what this will look like in my own pocket.
BUT, here it is ... in all its glory ............ and I quote directly from the Associated Press --
"It would begin showing up in most workers' paychecks in June as an extra $13 a week in take-home pay, falling to about $8 a week next January.
Is anyone else out there just ROFLMAO as hard as I am?!!! OMG!!! LMAO!!!!
In 2010, this means we are going to get $32 extra bucks per month!!!!
SO, warning to those on tight budgets: Do not get used to your new $52/month pay raise that begins this June ... because it is only $32.00 per month. Budget and save accordingly or it is going to be a tad painful to readjust again six months later ;)
O.K., so what do you think? Are you excited? My thoughts are "whatever!"
Personally I liked the Bush tax cut better when my family walked away with $2,100 in one big chunk last year!
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23 hours ago
I haven't really seen any or all of the plan... I wasn't really counting on getting much...and I didn't get the $2100 last year... and to be honest I think all I got was a Wii...lol something I barely use...so no biggee here... our MN governor, the almost VP Canidate , admitted that the past leadership caused much of the problem that Obama has to try and clean up... so there are lots of theories out there...right wrong or otherwise...my plan is to keep plugging along...trusting Gods plan and praying that I am able to stay in control of my life... ramble ramble...I have never been one to look for something for nothing...okay done!
How are your girls doing??
The girls are good Beth. We have started going to a new gym and they love the playroom there. It has been good for me to exercise again. Are you still exercising? I was in a slump, so I hope I am back on board with it for a good long while. Update about Lydia sometime soon; I miss hearing how she is on a regular basis. As for the economy ... I confess ... I wanted something like that big check that came last year. I am bummed :(
So much for no politics...lol
AS for me I think our government and our economy are in bad shape, but sadly it's been growing for 8 years, get my drift...lol, lets remember that Clinton left no deficit.
My honestly opinion, our govt needs to tell people to suck it up finanicially, live within your means, we'll help with jobs, because jobs mean people can afford their homes and their food, but the extras need to be held off on if folks can't swing them. I think in difficult times you pull yourself up as best you can and root for America, and pray.
Yeah, the no politics thing didn't work. Oh well! I just can't help it; all those months of campaigning and here is what turns up from that overstated campaign promise?!!! ... it just cracks me up to the point where I can scream. But I do root for America; make no mistake there! I am not liking what I see right now, but what do I know? My mind works so much differently than some of the sleezeballs in these decision-making posts. I disagree about Clinton. Had he been on top of things and not focused on his male body part, we would not have been blindsighted by the 2001 terrorist attack. Just my opinion of course! I will be the first to cheer the big O if he turns things around, but can he just get rid of Timothy Geithner ... puhleeeze! TG makes me want to vomit every time I see his face or hear his name. What a joke! He sympolizes to me so much of what is wrong in this world. O.K. I must step off this soap box ... it is a good thing I am exercising because the blood pressure would have risen way too high over this stuff! I just had to take my head out of the sand to see how much further in debt those doughballs are going to drive our nation; I must get back in the sand ... none of them listen to me darn it! :)
Under Bush's leadership the world went to pot. He made it the Cool Thing to thumb one's nose at existing laws and let those in power do whatever the hell they wanted. Laws were passed that reduced regulation of the rich and famous (banks, big mortgage brokers, etc), so they took advantage and screwed us all. Obama can in no way fix this overnight. If you got a $2100 check thanks to Bush, you're in the tiny minority. And may I ask, did the lucky few use their $2100 in a way that helped create jobs and boosted the economy? If not, I don't think complaining about a tiny fix now is really warranted. The fixes will have to be tiny and over extended time. Bush had 8 years to screw things up. Obama has had less than a month to start the healing process. And may i say this (while recognizing that mistakes were also made before Bush).. Bush was in power in 2001 when intelligence reports were coming in that he completely ignored. There is documentation of knowledge that using planes as weapons was in the works... but could he go after his oil buddies? Hmmppffhhh. No way.
The $2100 we received from Bush was the $600 per adult thing and the $300 per child thing that almost everyone received last Summer. I don't think I am in a small minority in getting that. It was for everyone except really high income earners. I agree that Bush had issues. But, from what I can tell, politics as usual continue in the United States with these especially ridiculous crooks Obama keeps appointing. And all that talk about how he was going to save the middle class .... $8 per week is just a joke! Is $8 going to change your world?
Susan...I know your last comment is not for me but...my world doesn't need changing...I am very content. Yes I am frustrated by high prices but I am one that never went after things I couldn't afford..including food or gas or vacations for that matter...so not everyone is looking for personal change...I am more interested in long range helpful cures...I am sad for people that are losing their jobs because of assinine behavior of people that are suppose to be looking after our best interest... Heck... I will be getting $16 a week...lol.. a tank of gas... I only use one tank every two weeks...so to me it will give me some extra money... again...I am not looking for a freebie...
Glad the tax cut is one you will see benefit from Beth. I respect that. Eight dollars per week is so small, I don't see doing anything really meaningful with it personally. Of course I wasn't talking about you; but, did you see that Obama supporter on television who was so happy when he was elected saying, "now I don't have to worry about my mortgage or my bills, etc." (Not an exact quote.) Well, I sure hope the $32 bucks per month is the save she was expecting!
Again, he has been in office less than a month. I personally think that the crooked and "power to the rich" philosophy that D.C. embraced started with Nixon who got away with murder. From then on, the powerful have thought they are untouchable. Now we finally have an honest man in charge. It's going to take a big effort to change. Not 3 weeks and one desperate bailout bill. What would be helpful is people feeling positive and willing to go with a new attitude. It won't happen by next Friday.
P.S. I work with very poor people. $32 a month would mean a day or two of groceries for their children. Nothing to sneeze at. Better than Bush ever offered them.
No, Bush would have sent them more. Even if it was a family with a single mother and only one child, Bush would have sent them $900 last year.
This would be a positive change, if it truly were different. But, we have a tax dodger over the IRS thanks to Barack Obama during his short time in office. An honest man would never stand for that in my opinion. A different kind of man would not have stood for having that huge spendulous bill pass with nobody even being able to read it.
But, once again, if it works, I will change my tune. I don't like debt though and think our government should be a role model. Bush had issues, but so did Clinton and so does Barack Obama. They didn't even read that huge spending bill!!!
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