I have a secret. I love Tuesday mornings! Why? Because I only have to get two of my three kids off to school on Tuesday mornings. One less kid in the morning rush makes a huge difference in the morning!
So, here's how it goes: On Tuesdays, I just get the other two up and going and then all I have to do is carry my youngest, sleeping, out to the car. She is along, sleeping, for the morning drop off ride and then I carry her back into the house and she sleeps the ENTIRE rest of the morning until it is time to pick up my Kindergartner (before lunch). How cool is that?? She is happy. I am happy. So, this is my Tuesday morning "me" time. I am a lucky mom!
My other thoughts this morning are related to just marveling over a sense of peace I have had recently about a lot of things that used to get me riled up. Just two days ago, I hosted the family Thanksgiving at my house (for 33 people). I am not sure what inspired me to "volunteer" my house for the holiday this year. But honestly, the main reason I volunteered is that I prefer to be at my own house. At my house, I get to set the rules, the activities, the time we eat, where we will eat, what we will eat, the house temperature, who can come and how long the party goes on. And I can just wear my shorts all day! No need to pack things up in the car and haul the family somewhere else. No need to mess with coats, shoes, extra clothing, etc. Plus, I just like being in my own space. I actually get a trapped feeling sometimes at other family members' homes on the holidays. I just want to do my own thing! So, it was great!
The holiday was a "pitch-in," so other than the turkey, we did no cooking. But there was still much expense and preparation involved. When you add up the price of two turkeys, paper products, condiments and 2-liter drinks, it wasn't cheap. But the hardest work for this event was not related to food or cooking. It was the cleaning!!
I started about a week or so before the big day and I cleaned, decluttered, organized, rearranged things ... and I basically just got a whole lot done that wasn't getting done in my house before I took this on. I worked until the first person arrived (six minutes early by the way ... ugh!) And I didn't get everything done that I had wanted to get done. But I knew that it would turn out alright no matter how much I got done. Somehow, things ALWAYS have a way of pulling together nicely just when the event is ready to begin. And this was the thought that kept me at peace through the entire event. It always works out. And it did this time too. Just getting my house in this kind of shape was worth welcoming 33 people in for dinner. I have no regrets!
And the other best part of this holiday hosting for our family --- WE ARE DONE! No more Thanksgiving cooking or preparation going on here anymore. The four days off for Thanksgiving are now wide open and we get to do whatever we want to! We are going to a movie on Thanksgiving and we might even eat out at a chinese buffet. Life is good and I am REALLY looking forward to the upcoming time off with just my own immediate family :-) So, whew ... we survived another holiday ... and the best part is still ahead for us! Happy Thankgiving :-)
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