It has been a day ... just wow!
Today was one of those days that I felt led/guided through the things that transpired.
I did not want to go to the "Preschool Closing" this morning. (This is where Co-op Moms help the teachers close up the school for the Summer. We haul toys and preschool furniture into two sheds and pack up things in the classroom, take things down from walls, etc.) There were many logical reasons why this was not the best thing for my calendar this morning. But, I was really drawn to this idea that I must go. I am so glad I went.
I am glad I went because I learned about a charter school option that was being talked about by two other moms there today. So this information came to me from a conversation I didn't even start nor want to really have. Dh and I had already decided where ds would be going to Jr. High School next year. I admit that I have had some thoughts about this that were hot thoughts based on things I kept hearing about the Jr. High and High School in our township, but I never knew we would be considering another viable option for ds today.
But I went home and surprised myself by googling that school mentioned this morning. I then made some phone calls. And then I researched the data of various nearby schools along with that one and a few others (just for comparison).
And I used mapquest to map out two school choices that could work pretty well with dh's work location. And bingo! I uncovered some very real choices for my ds next year!
On Saturday we will be going as a family to tour this one particular charter school that we feel stands out as a very real option for ds. I am so hopeful that this is an option we can get excited about; an option that will truly be right for my son.
Dh could take him to school most days. I could take him when dh couldn't. I would most likely need to do the picking up each school day. But if it was the right fit for ds, I would have no issue doing that.
Being a charter school, this school would be in our budget. And maybe being a charter school, it would not be as over-the-top for my son as some of the parish schools were for him academically .. perhaps this would be a place where he could be challenged and shine as well.
I know I want what every parent wants for their child. I know my child is not the most complex child in the world. But he has been a challenge to find the best fit for him educationally. He isn't paying attention to math now in his ruckus of a classroom. I feel doubtful that he will pay attention any harder when he becomes aware there is gang activity out in the hallways at our local public Jr. High. Ds needs something smaller and not over the top.
I know I have stars in my eyes, but I want this to be the place!
If it isn't, ds will go to the local public Jr. High as planned. Or maybe something else will present itself.
But, even if we had the money right now, I do not see a private school that fits ds's needs either.
Parenting is hard.
I would miss that bus that comes each day to make my life much easier. Yet, I hear horror stories about the Jr. High bus. Was I really going to let ds ride that bus every day anyway after sixth grade? I was hoping to do so, yes. But things get very ugly on the Jr. High bus. I have asked way too many people about this stuff with the public Jr. high ...
Nicholas' teacher says differently but various very good kids tell me the real stories that go on in these schools. I had just told dh last night that we should be prepared for a difficult journey ahead.
Is this an answer for us?
I don't know.
I only feel compelled to check it out some more and I feel excited about what I might find for my son.
And this also explains some stuck thoughts I have been having about the school situation for my girls (both for next year and in the future).
I realize it is only preschool ... but these are my favorite school years. The Co-op is a fun place and I enjoy sharing it with my little one(s). Am I willing to give up 10 free mornings per month in order to be able to never look back with regret that I missed Racers class with my youngest child? I think I am.
There will be so many days that I can go here and there and everywhere and be free someday ... but right now, I get to decide so much and I just might truly want to haul my butt to that preschool five days per week so that I will never regret not doing so when I can never again turn back that clock to these precious years with all three of my children.
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