Overall, the new preschool situation is going well. When I explain it to people, I know it sounds confusing. But the schedule is working out just perfectly for us so far.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I drop my youngest off at her preschool first and then drop off my oldest at her preschool (the schools are a 12-minute drive apart). School #1 begins at 9 a.m. and School #2 begins at 9:30 a.m.
Later, I can pick my youngest dd up anytime between 11:15 a.m. and Noon. And my oldest daughter must be picked up by 11:30 a.m. (When I participate in the Co-op, I will pick my youngest up at Noon to give me all of the necessary time to participate in class that day).
So, on a day when I am not participating in the Co-0p, I can get nearly a full two hours to myself (two hours if you count driving time, which I don't).
On Fridays, only my oldest dd goes to school, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
I love both of these schools. And all of the involved teachers have taught my ds also at some point, which is kind of neat.
I like the shorter hours but more frequent times per week for the girls. I feel that works better for them. It offers just enough fun and learning, and then off back home we go! I also like how we aren't going to a preschool every day of the week. Mondays and Wednesdays are preschool free and open to do as we choose in the mornings.
The girls don't mind at all being separated for preschool and I am over that issue myself. I love how my younger dd will have a chance to develop her leadership skills among her peers, since she is always in the "younger" seat here at home.
And I love how my older dd will have a chance to play and learn independently of her sister for a few hours a day three times per week. (Her class tends to be on the young side, so I don't know if her leadership role will be challenged there too much ... but, it is always good to gain experience interacting with other children.)
I do worry some about the differences in the art offered at the preschools. One school is hands-off with the art .... children do all their own art and it's all about the process. The other school assists the children more closely. So, the art that comes home with each girl is dramatically different looking.
My youngest dd is bringing home realistic-looking squirrels and a replica of a Clifford dog complete with moving ears, while my oldest brings home sheets of painted blobs and scribbles, etc. I just hope one child won't get jealous of the other child's art. I do like how both schools treat the art. They don't do the art for the kids or expect perfection. I am actually partial to the art that is not aided in any way by the adults. I always know at the Co-op that my child did it all by him/herself!
Also, one school has a swing set and the other school doesn't. I hope this does not pose a problem in the future. But, I am hoping the frequent swing set exposure will have my oldest dd pumping her feet on the swings soon. That is all it will take to have both girls pumping their legs by next Summer! (My youngest will do everything in her power to keep up with her sister, so I am not worried about her learning later.)
Next year, my plan is to put both girls in the Co-op. The only negative with that is going everday to school. But, that is a whole year away and not something to be decided for sure any time soon.