I am still not sure if it was a good idea, or a bad idea, (since we spent $25.50 tonight just to get into the movie theatre.) But, tonight we took all three kids to to see Monsters Vs. Aliens.
It was dd #3's first movie and dd #2's third movie .
And let's just say that I barely remember the movie .....
I spent most of my time in the bathroom! (Or, at least it felt like it.)
Four potty trips in all during the short 1.5 hour movie. And, let's just say that trips to the potty with girls make trips to the potty with boys feel like a cake walk in the park, or a ride on a cloud, or maybe a sunset in paradise .... o.k., o.k., never mind .... I digress ...
Between dh and I, I think we spent at least 25 full minutes out of the theater. I am glad the theater let my girls in for free. I wonder if they knew what it was going to be like for us and didn't want to charge us to use their restroom facilities continuously for 1.5 hours.
On a highly positive note, Ds loved the movie and hardly noticed all this was going on, which was kind of cute.
I am glad ds enjoyed the movie and that I won't be too bummed that I missed most of the details in this movie, (since animation is typically not a must-see for me unless it involves my children.)
Anyway, Monsters Vs. Aliens in the Potty was really about one mommy and two girls who battled against each other in a quest to peacefully survive 1.5 hours in the movie theater.
And when we weren't in the potty, the girls were discussing it.
Right out loud, Dd #3 states boldly "The POOPY is coming!" And that was after three trips to the potty already.
Thank goodness for my dh who finally stepped in on the fourth potty trip and let the girls have a good long 10-13 minute stretch to try and get those poopies out that we all became so tired of hearing about.
Not one poopy came out during these bathroom adventures but we parents were sure worn out!
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